The Tough Stuff Podcast

The Tough Stuff - Mental Health



Episode 32 - Mental Health – It's Not What we Think. Talking about the tough subjects, that need to be heard. On this episode, Hanz and Lisa discuss why the two words “Mental Health” of a stigma surrounding them. What as a society can we do to make it easier for people to talk about this subject? Our mental health is a foundation block in addition to our physical health. Listen to this first part of this subject where we just start to go down the rabbit hole. Realize that open communication is the beginning of making a much-needed change. You can find The Tough Stuff on Facebook at and check us on iTunes and leave please feel free to leave any comments and or review of how we are doing. You can find Lisa Bechtol at and Hanz Freller at Thanks for listening and join us next time on the “The Tough Stuff.” #SaySomething #DontQuit