The Tough Stuff Podcast

The Tough Stuff - Mental Health pt2 w/ Kat Hoyer



Episode 34 - Mental Health Part Two – Coming into the Light w/ Kat Hoyer Talking about the tough subjects, that need to be heard. We are dealing with Mental Health issues or know someone that is. What can we do to help? On this episode, Hanz and Lisa along with their guest Kat Hoyer, Certified Transformational Life Coach and developer of “Steer Your Own Life” programs have a conversation referring to The Tough Stuff Episode 32 “Mental Health” and the stigma surrounding the words. During this episode, we revisit contributing factors and what we can do as a society or an individual to assist even one person. We have more power than we think at times, to help ourselves or others. Listen as Kat gives great nuggets from a coach and individual perspective on this subject. Thanks again to guest Kat Hoyer #BeTheDriver of your own success in all areas of life. You can find Kat at and Kat Hoyer on social media platforms. Also, you can check us on iTunes and leave please feel free to