Tip Talk With Dr. Jennifer Degler

059 How to Quit Quarreling -- How to Humbly Submit to God, Resist the Devil, Draw Near to God, and Ask for Forgiveness -- James 4



Need to quit quarreling with someone? Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler provides practical tips and powerful prayers for ending a fight by humbly submitting to God, resisting the Devil's temptation to pride, drawing near to God in complete obedience, and both forgiving the other person and asking for forgiveness for your own wrong attitudes and actions.  Save yourself the cost of a counseling session by asking the other person, "What's it like to be in a relationship with me?" Then listen without explaining or defending why are you like that.  In a conflict? This submission prayer will help stop the quarreling. "God, I yield to you, your way, and what you want in this situation even if it means I don't get my way. God, you know best what's best here." In a conflict? This warfare prayer will help stop the quarreling. "God, please show me where and how Satan is stirring me up to give in to pride and selfishness, and show me how to firmly resist his temptation." In a conflict? This obedience prayer will help s