Tip Talk With Dr. Jennifer Degler

063 Emotional Manipulation Part 3 -- How to Identify Manipulative People -- Judges 9 -- Abimelech



Tips to help you sharpen your ability to spot a manipulator before you get played. Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Degler shares the first 5 of 10 tips for identifying manipulators based on a fascinating but gruesome story from Judges 9 in the Bible. Manipulators: 1) are all about self-promotion and image. 2) use deceptive appeals to get what they want. 3) rationalize sin to get their way. 4) drive people apart for personal gain. 5) surround themselves with corrupt people. "If your every step is all about promoting yourself and polishing your image, you're not on the road to spiritual success. Be humble or stumble." "Manipulators twist perception, limit your options, or downplay other options so their way seems like the only option you have." "There's no right way to do the wrong thing." To download the free Top Ten Tips for Handling Emotional Manipulation, go to https://www.jenniferdegler.com/free-resources/