Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND TBL0506: The Big Lie, Issues 5 & 6



IT'S ANOTHER SUPER SPECIAL EPISODE! We're back with the next installment of our series reading Anthony del Col's Dynamite comic series -- Nancy Drew & the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie, Issues 5 &6. These issues wrap up the current story-arc of the series, and we finally find out who murdered Papa Hardy! The town of Bayport is definitely not as peachy clean as it seems, and there's definitely something smell going on and it's not just the lobster trade. Listen along as we try to deal with this emotional rollercoaster ride. We're very excited about this new series, so go to your local comic shop and check it out! Be sure to let Dynamite know how much you're loving the comics so they can continue to crank out more! Like what you hear? We'd love for you to subscribe and leave us a review! For updates on all things GACND, follow us on Twitter @getacluepodcast and on Facebook at! Got something lengthier than 140 characters? Shoot us an email at! Be safe, be