Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND MS046: The Invisible Intruder



Who ya gonna call?! GHOSTBUSTER HELEN CORNING, THAT'S WHO! This week we're reading Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #46, the Invisible Intruder. This book had a whopping FIVE ghosty hauntings to solve and the entire dating circle of River Heights is on the case. Nancy and crew bob and weave through all the "hauntings" and systematically dismantle all of the so-called spooks. But let's be real, this book is a gem because our #1 gal pal is back in action! Like what you hear?  We'd love for you to subscribe, rate, and leave us a review! Want to follow along with all things GACND?  Find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at @getacluepodcast! Got something else to say?  Shoot us an email at! Be safe, be curious.