Yeah, She's Driven

Clubhouse Series - Let Your Authenticity and Success Shine and Become a Beacon of Inspiration with Dr. Sonja Stribling



We are all on a journey of self-discovery. Our life experiences,failures, and even the little mistakes molded us to be who we are today. There are unique stories and lessons only you can share, and the world wants to hear it. In this episode, Dr. Sonja Stribling shares how she found the right platform that allowed her to be a strong voice of inspiration for women all over the world. Dr. Stribling is a retired US Army Major and the founder of Born To Be Powerful Academy. In this discussion with Shanda, she describes her journey of finding herself, her worth, and who she really is. She’s nudging everyone in the Clubhouse, especially those who are in her room, to find the confidence to be who they are and to STOP fearing judgments and non-acceptance.      “What’s important to me in my life is self-care. I’m learning how important it is, especially as a business owner.”               - Dr. Sonja Stribling              Subscribe for more on iTunes! In this Episode:     - Why it’s important to have a platform wh