Yeah, She's Driven

Take The 15% Switch From a Life of Success To a Life of Significance with Marcus Bell



Join today’s conversation with Shanda and Marcus Bell as they delve deeper into the meaning of life. What makes the significant few become a celebrity of their own in whatever fields they’ve chosen? Why does the majority find it so difficult to achieve enduring success? What is your life mission? This is a conversation with meaning and impact, and if that’s what your soul yearns for right now, then this episode is for you.   “It’s not a hundred percent that’s moving the whole ship, it’s this one little thing that makes the biggest impact.”                 - Marcus “Bellringer” Bell                Subscribe for more on iTunes! In this Episode:   - Find out why it’s essential to unlearn your cultural narrative if you want to transition into your bigger BIG.   - One of the best methods of expressing your value to the world and what you have to offer.    - What spells the difference between people who have the responsibility to go to the next level vs people who are just spinning their wheels.   - Expressing y