Smartlinx Podcast

Meet Tracy Davis, Rutgers Aging Track Coordinator



As our listeners are likely aware, the long-term care industry suffers from a shortage of workers. That’s an understatement. In addition, the turnover rate is extremely high. On top of this, as the Rutgers website states, “the number of Americans 65 and older will double by mid-century, rising from 39 million today to 89 million in 2050.” To meet this demand, Rutgers University offers two programs to meet the educational needs of healthcare professionals so that they can appropriately care for the aging population. The goal of the Rutgers Aging Studies Concentration is to prepare students with training in healthy living and management of disease in older adults, social policies for older adults, and knowledge resources and skills to effectively care for the ever-growing aging population in our communities and beyond. And it’s so needed. In today’s podcast, we’ll talk about the aging track in the Rutgers University School of Health Professions. Our guest is Tracy Davis, Program Coordinator.