

Do you hear the jingle bells?  See all the trees already decorated and the Christmas lights on the houses?  What about all the stores?  Elves have been everywhere, long before Black Friday :-) That's why I just had to share how this season goes for me. It's all about creating that special Christmas card or two and the fun I have sending them to everyone! It's a long established tradition that I believe goes back to the 1700's!  And so that's what I talk about today is the gift that a Christmas card truly is.  Because it really is so much more than just a card.  It's hearing from you.  You're reaching out and wishing them a happy holiday, a Merry Christmas. How do you feel when you get a card in the mail, any time?  But something about those heartfelt Christmas cards that just adds to the warmness of the holiday. So I invite you to listen in to my story about how I send cards and what my reflection is in this regard.  I talk about Send Out Cards which I have been a part of for over 11 years now and how easy it