Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#137: Contradictions Are Good For Business



Most businesses are created out of needing contrast. We have a desire or need for something new, and so we create it. We fill an empty space that exists in the world with our business. Contradictions and paradoxes are what make the world so abundant. When it comes to marketing and sales, we are afraid to contradict the standards in our industry. We censor ourselves because our unique approach might feel wrong or out of place. Even when something doesn’t feel right, we go along with it because we don’t stop to appreciate that maybe there is space for that contradiction. That maybe doing something your way will fill an empty space that needs to be filled and give someone else permission, too. Nothing is only just two things. Most things exist in a space in between. There is freedom here, to exist as you are without any should’s or would’s. Our business and life doesn’t have to be one or the other. We can live in the inbetween. We can run a business in the inbetween. Nothing in this world is static.   On the epi