Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#138: What if You Already Have What You Want?



Whenever we find ourselves working towards something we should stop and ask ourselves…   What are we looking for? Why are we looking for it? Where are we looking for it?   Sometimes we get so caught up in the pursuit of something that we fail to realize we might be striving for something that we don’t actually want, or that we might already have it and we just haven’t realized it.    Let’s be taking the time to pause and check in with ourselves.    Entrepreneurship and what comes up while building our businesses is often a mirror for who we are. We can without question guarantee that our insecurities will show up.    So while business needs to be calculated and strategic, it also has to be intuitive.    There are certain things that you will do or talk about that make you feel alive. And then there will be things that exhaust and overwhelm us.   What creates calm for you might create chaos for me. We are all being guided by different forces. Even those with the best intentions in our life can’t know what’s be