Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#141: Becoming the Person Who Accomplishes Your Wildest Dreams (2020 Version)



This year, I’m approaching the end of the year a little differently than in previous years. 2020 has been a ride. Some of us have experienced massive growth, some of us have faced massive struggles, and some of us are somewhere in between, but all of us have been affected in some way this year. Which is why I will be approaching my year-end planning in a different way this year... To remind ourselves that, despite what happened in 2020, there is no dream that is too big to achieve. That the version of you who will accomplish all of your wildest dreams already exists inside of you. ⁣ The fact that you can conceptualize that small seed of an idea shows that there is a version of you who can bring it to life. And maybe our purpose in life is simply to live out our deepest desires? One of the biggest things I work on with my clients (and personally), is creating a container big enough to call in and support our biggest dreams. ⁣ ⁣Because big dreams require a lot of work and responsibility.   We cannot hold our dr