Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#151: Are You Using the Right Marketing Strategy?



It’s easy to get distracted with all the marketing trends we see our peers jumping on, but you always want to make sure that your marketing strategy takes into consideration the back bone of your business. By the way, this can shift as your business model evolves.   The more time or money it takes for someone to invest in your service, or the more emotional resistance it takes to invest in your service. The more resistance there is around something working with you or buying your product, the more your marketing has to change.   The marketing strategy of someone selling lower priced products versus someone selling a higher end service is going to look very different. If your income is based on the size of your audience, then quantity is part of your strategy. Whereas if you sell a higher end product or service, that means there’s more resistance, then quantity is less important and quality becomes more important.   It is important for you to understand WHO is your ideal client, what are their habits and tende