Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#152: How to Move Through Stressful Times in Your Business



Life can be a lot sometimes. Business can be a lot sometimes.  It’s important for us to acknowledge that we are constantly living in cycles. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many ideal clients you have, we are not invincible from the ebbs and flows of entrepreneurship. When we find ourselves in a cycle of overwhelm, it’s important to remember that we all go through this at one point or another. It’s not a reflection that we’re doing something wrong. We are never broken or doing something wrong in life or in business, we are simply in a cycle of our life where we need to support ourselves a little more. Instead of shaming ourselves for being in this cycle of overwhelm, we should accept that it’s happening and then give ourselves the compassion and support to move through it. Today, I wanted to share three things that you can do when you find yourself in this cycle of overwhelm, anxiety, and intense feelings of panic. Observe what you are feeling. Expand your perspective. Get to work (while bein