Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#153: 3 Marketing Mistakes Holding You Back



Marketing and sales can be a struggle for many of us.    You probably didn’t get into business because you love doing them, but because of the service you offer or product you sell. Because of this, we often resist marketing as a part of our business.   It is okay to not be great at marketing and sales.   What’s not okay is ignoring it and avoiding getting help.    You need to learn marketing and sales.    In order to create a successful business, you need to find a way to reach your intended audience, and how to build enough like, know and trust with them that they will want to purchase from you.    Which is why I want to share three marketing mistakes and some solutions that will help you understand marketing and sales.   The first mistake is only posting educational content and what might be missing.   The second mistake is prioritizing consistency over quality and managing your creation energy levels.    The third mistake is thinking it’ll be easier to sell something that is $100 vs $1,000 and how to sell