Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#157: Why persistence is required, but not in the ways you think



How do you show up for your dreams even when it feels like you’re stuck in a shit storm? Entrepreneurship feels like an uphill battle, even on the best of days. It requires persistence and pushing through the resistance we are feeling. But we want to look at persistence from the wholeness of our lives, not just from the single slice of our life, which is our business. Persistence can become harmful when we’re just focused on one single area of our life and when we think there is only one way to get to our goals - and so we push ourselves into burnout and overwhelm. Persistence should be tied to the wholeness of our full life, not just to the singular area of our business pursuits. We all feel stuck at different parts of our entrepreneurship journey - it’s not a sign that we are doing anything wrong, it just means we are in a temporary transition phase. We might have to show up differently at this time or take on a side job or reaching out for help. This is not the time to panic and spiral in thoughts of shame