Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#160 What to Do if You're Feeling Unmotivated



Feeling uninspired is actually a normal ebb we all go through. We aren’t machines. Even those of us who are typically optimistic and positive can find ourselves in a funk and a low vibrational energy that makes us restless and uninspired. It’s important to notice how we label these emotions, which is often “bad”. We think being in a funk is bad, being unmotivated is bad, and being overwhelmed is bad. But because we are cyclical beings who experience the full range of emotions, we will continue to have light and heavy emotions. The personal development industry pushes us to fix anything that is “bad”, and so we internalize this need to “fix” ourselves anytime we feel a “bad” emotion. I’m here to remind us, myself included, that we can simultaneously want to change and evolve and grow, while also recognizing that we’re whole and amazing just as we are. Sometimes there’s nothing to fix. Sometimes we just need to sit in the emotion and gently move ourselves through it. If you want to hear more on this topic, chec