Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#162: Diversifying Your Income Streams



Entrepreneurship is an energy - it’s a specific way of thinking and being. For this reason, I want to plant the seed here today that this entrepreneurial energy is what allows us to build a business in our own unique way and on our own unique terms. I fundamentally believe that we will be more fulfilled without a cookie cutter strategy - because this energy of freedom and experimentation should not be contained in the same rigid box as a corporate job is. How your business looks today isn’t necessarily how it will always look, nor should you want it to. You have the freedom to build and grow your business in a way that aligns with your own personal growth and ambitions. When you’re willing to take responsibility for your life and future, you will be more willing to take on the difficulties that come with entrepreneurship. When you’re growing and scaling your business, also look at how you can grow and scale your life. It’s a balance of how much money will give you more free time to do the things your heart cr