Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#166: Running on Fumes? How to Juggle Lots of Responsibilities and Maintain Your Sanity



We go through different periods of life and our business where we feel overwhelmed. It can be easy to actually add onto that overwhelm simply from our own expectations and how we expect ourselves to show up.   As entrepreneurs, we inherently have the intrinsic motivation to push ourselves to build our business and life in a way we desire. But every strength has an opposite trait - in this case, a tendency to push ourselves past what is necessary, or even healthy.   When we are feeling overwhelmed, our inner motivation can take on a new energy and become a little too pushy.   I’m in a period of my life where I’m launching a new business while also continuing to grow my core business, which is business coaching. Going through this experience and learning to balance my own energy in a way that keeps me from burnout is actually what helps me relate to my clients and help them push through a busier time of their business with grace and compassion.   If you want to hear more on this topic, check out this week’s pod