Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#169: Having a Hard Time Making Money? Is This Social Construct Holding You Back?



Subject: Having a Hard Time Making Money? Is This Social Construct Holding You Back? Do you feel shame around wanting to be wealthy? Commerce and capitalism are not one in the same. Capitalism is a newer economic model in relation to how long humans have had goods and services to trade for. Commerce exists outside of capitalism and in many ways can actually be apart of what dismantles it.  I share this because many of us have deep social constructs running through our minds when it comes to wealth and capitalism. This shows up in how we speak to potential clients and our audiences. We project our feelings when it comes to making money, capitalism and wanting to be a good person. We can (or others can) confuse the idea that wanting to be wealthy AND wanting to be ethical and support our communities are mutually exclusive ideas. That it has to be one OR the other. But that isn’t the case. Making money (or a thing you can barter+trade with) existed before capitalism and it will exist after capitalism. This is a