Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

# 173: Why Sometimes People Don't Support Us in The Ways We Want



Have you ever wanted people closest to you, whether that be your friends, family, or partner, to support you more when it comes to your business?    One question I get asked often is how to get people around you on board with your entrepreneurial goals and one thing I have realized is that sometimes it might take a bit of time to do that.    This isn’t because these people don’t care about us, or don’t want to see us succeed, it really just comes down to the fact that they don’t understand it. For many entrepreneurs, the only people who really get it are other entrepreneurs.    Our society doesn’t necessarily encourage people to become entrepreneurs, it encourages us to become employable - but not to become the employer. For our friends and family, we might very well be the only entrepreneur they know. Which is why they might not support us in the ways we desire - they simply haven’t learnt how yet.    If you want to hear more on this topic, check out this week’s podcast episode.   On the episode, we discuss: