Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#174: Let's talk about conflict...



I would say that one of the things the vast majority of people try to avoid in their lives is conflict.    It sucks, it takes up a lot of energy, it causes us anxiety and all around isn’t fun.    However, conflict really is an unavoidable reality of life, and entrepresigp. You can be the kindest, calmest, most on top of everything person with the greatest of intentions and someone at some point will still have an issue with something you said, something you did (or didn’t do), or how you approached something.    Conflict doesn’t always occur because someone did something ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’. Conflict happens because we all have different experiences, expectations, ways of doing things, different values/rules we live by, ways of communicating, ways of interacting with others, we have different lens and ultimately this creates a lot of opportunities for mishaps.    On this week's episode we dive deeper into this topic.    On the episode, we discuss: How power dynamics come into play That the motto ‘the client is