Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#176: Why we don’t have the same goals...



A phrase we hear often in the spiritual and entrepreneurial world, is to do ‘what is in alignment with you’. I am all for living and running an aligned business and life AND I am aware that those things will never look the exact same for two people.    We are similar and yet so vastly different, of course my goals and how I achieve them and your goals, and how you achieve them are most likely going to be different. That is exactly how it should be. We aren’t created in the same way, we don’t have the same hopes and desires, skills, experiences, lived realities or knowledge, therefore ‘my aligned’ and ‘your aligned’ are going to be different.    Some of us get hung up on the fact that what we want for our lives looks different than those around us, because that can make us feel as though something is wrong with who we are or what we want. There is nothing wrong with you.    In this week's episode we dive into…   How to tune into what makes sense for you  Why it's a beautiful thing that we’re all different  Wh