Speakwithlarrys Podcast

Episode # 32- Ronald Morgan Interview.



The foundation for this Podcast was set up by creating 30 episodes prior to beginning 2015,all inline with setting up the foundation of your online business. Which is what my company teaches. My company Speakwithlarry.com I created 5 years ago with a 2 fold purpose, first to help people get more comfortable speaking in public, and second, to create a platform that allows me to interview people in different walks of life,and to get their opinions on different topics. You see, I believe we all have knowledge about something, and we would love to be able to share it,we simply don't have a platform large enough to  make a difference, at least in our minds. So Speakwithlarry's Podcast was created, now I'm really excited about the potential for this year,and I hope you are as well. Now let me give you a little heads up on how some of the things will go from the beginning. First, I will continue to add my quote segment titled "Share at least One."Second, I will create at least one episode per week for the entire yea