Winning The Game Of Life Podcast Interviewing Entrepreneurs, Wantrepreneurs, Intrapreneurials, Intrepreneurial & Startups

WGL-Bonus02: Why should YOU publish a book? Get-Published-Get-Noticed!



Shawn Chhabra: Why should YOU publish a book? Get-Published-Get-Noticed! Get-Published-Get-Noticed Author Means Authority! ™ Your Book is Your Expanded Business Card!   Get-Published-Get-Noticed! So why should YOU publish a book? What is it that the world will want to learn from you specifically? This may be the biggest question to overcome and answer, and therefore present itself as the most obvious initial obstacle. Once you can get to the heart of this and really answer honestly why you want to publish, and what information you have to share then it’s smooth sailing from there. The “why” is the most pivotal question to answer, and it will help you to focus accordingly and to get excited. The most obvious reason to publish is to share your knowledge or opinion on a given subject. A book can be written to enlighten, inspire, give direction or instruction, give an opinion, share facts and viewpoints. You Have Something To Share With The World So if you happen to be somebody who is well versed or exp