Winning The Game Of Life Podcast Interviewing Entrepreneurs, Wantrepreneurs, Intrapreneurials, Intrepreneurial & Startups

WGL-Bonus00: Shawn Chhabra- Foreword- Who I am and why you should listen to me? Fair enough question, so let me introduce myself, Get Published Get Noticed Book!



Shawn Chhabra- Foreword- Who I am and why you should listen to me? Fair enough question, so let me introduce myself, Get Published Get Noticed Book!   I am somebody just like you who was wondering what might be next in my career. I knew that publishing a book had great value, but I never really understood just how far that went. I was at a point in my life where I knew I had to take risks to get to the next level, and nothing seemed riskier than publishing my own book. I am living proof that you CAN do it, and that if you put your mind to it that you can make it work to your advantage. Here’s an important thing to know about me—I learned English as a second language. I came here with dreams but not much else, and then I transformed all of this into great success. What helped to make me a recognized name and really launch my career was to become a published author. Yes I did it, and that means that you can too! I am also here to tell you that you don’t have to be a writer to turn your ideas into published work