Winning The Game Of Life Podcast Interviewing Entrepreneurs, Wantrepreneurs, Intrapreneurials, Intrepreneurial & Startups

WGL-Bonus: Shawn Chhabra- Avoid Distractions and Stay Focus on Goals and Priorities



WGL-Bonus: Shawn Chhabra- Avoid Distractions and Stay Focus on Goals and Priorities   “Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal.” -Mario Andretti     Are you unable to concentrate on the tasks you should be doing? Are you focusing too much attention on gossip, chit chat, web surfing, and other insignificant activities? If yes, then you are letting distractions run your day.   Distraction - a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.   Focus – to pay particular attention to   The number one enemy of focus is distraction. In this chapter, we will discuss how distractions affect your success and how we can avoid it. We will also talk about the different kinds of distractions and how to deal with them.   Yes we’re all guilty of giving into distractions, whether we realize it or not. We all have so many other things that can steal our attention away, and therefore these can become time suckers. We’re all guilty of giving into distractions,