Winning The Game Of Life Podcast Interviewing Entrepreneurs, Wantrepreneurs, Intrapreneurials, Intrepreneurial & Startups

WGL:30 Shajen Joy Aziz with Shawn Chhabra, Shajen is an award winning international best-selling author, master educator, filmmaker, and motivational trainer and speaker



Shajen Joy Aziz is an award winning international best-selling author, master educator, filmmaker, and motivational trainer and speaker. She is most passionate about creating a world where our children can thrive in powerful and positive ways. She is a mother, teacher, and first author and co-creator of the international bestselling book and film Discover the Gift- It’s Why We’re Here ( Her book is published in 22 countries and 10 languages and her film, which is in 5 language and 10 countries, is now digitally distributed by Gaiam TV throughout the United States and Canada (Discover the Gift on Gaiam TV).  shawn chabra Shajen’s groundwork, for over 20 years as a progressive educator, school administrator, teacher and counselor, paved the way for her to become a leader within the transformational and peace-building communities. In a very short time, Shajen’s global coaching and training program, based on Discover the Gift, has amassed a dedicated community of over 250 Am