Winning The Game Of Life Podcast Interviewing Entrepreneurs, Wantrepreneurs, Intrapreneurials, Intrepreneurial & Startups

WGL51: Thomas O'Grady, Ph.D. Guest at Winning the Game of Life with Shawn Sudershan Chhabra



Our featured guest is Thomas F. O’Grady, who is also a podcast host of Life Unsettled with Thomas O'Grady Podcast. Mr. Thomas O’Grady just launched his much-awaited book, "The Mechanics for Breakthrough Success: The Guide to a Life You Never Considered Reachable" Link to the book page:   Thomas F. O’Grady received his Ph.D. in Mathematical and Statistical Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. Since the age of 12 he’s been interested in entrepreneurial activities. He rose to the top in Soviet intelligence, broke Soviet codes 3 times; extended Nobel Laureate Daniel McFadden’s work at GM Research labs; as head of Chase Automotive Division reached profitability the chairman and president insisted was not possible; to international recognition in his international consulting firm; a top trainer in Advanced Programming and Database Development, wrote Database Developer’s Guide to Microsoft SQL Server (7); completely redirected corporate initiatives into customer focus. Besid