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SEE 35B: A Closer Look



This episode of the SEE podcast series features an in-depth discussion with Graham McCracken, M.B., B.Ch., B.A., coauthor of a provocative article from the European Journal of Anaesthesiology. With insights only a principal investigator can offer, Dr. McCracken discusses with SEE question writer Gregg A. Korbon, M.D., this study from England that evaluated the impact of a change to Torbay Hospital’s fasting policy on rates of postoperative nausea and vomiting. The new preoperative fasting policy encouraged patients to drink clear fluids all the way up until transfer to the operating room theater rather than stop fluid intake two hours prior to surgery, as recommended by both US and European guidelines. Learn about the study findings, the feedback received, and what’s happening next. Duration: 25:25 Transcript