Videogame Bang! Podcast

Videogame BANG! Episode 73: Console Vs. PC RELOADED



Can you guys believe it?! Cory and Aaron added a new girl to the show last week and did not creep her out and scare her away!! In fact Lareesa joins Cory, Aaron, and Steven once again to tackle some pretty touchy subjects in the game and geek world! Lareesa weighs in on PC vs. Console gaming and sheds some new light and continues to prove that she is in fact the anti-Cory... We are talking about News from Games Dev Con as well as Microsofts cross-platforming push, and the state of MOBAs comes back to the conversation. While we have an outspoken female presence back in the studio we are sure to milk the situation and get some insight to the mind of a geeky girl. This week the BANG!GANG! also talks about our decision to start a Patreon. For more info on our Patreon or how to contribute to the show: