Videogame Bang! Podcast

Videogame BANG! Episode 78: Four Gamers and a Baby



What's Up Pizza's?! This week you are in for a treat because the bases are loaded on the old VGB cast couch. Instead of the typical four person line-up we crank it up to five! Cory and Aaron are joined by Steven Gutierrez, Madison Motta, and introducing the latest cast member: Madison's unborn baby Eli! Madison is due in less than a week, but because she is amazing she decided to do the show anyways, knowing full well she could possibly give birth on the show! Cory and Aaron watched a few birthing videos before the show and are fully confident we can pop that little sucker out! Back to gaming and geek news we have an amazing round of whattcha playing in store for you all, that includes a condensed summary of our thoughts on Heroes of The Storm. We talk about some changes to World of Warcrafts currency system, there are some new Mortal Kombat X fatalities to talk about, and everyone's favorite segment BANG BITES! We know you are going to go goo goo and ga ga over this weeks episode so suck your thumbs and