Videogame Bang! Podcast

Videogame BANG! LIVE Episode 27: Gamer Missed Connections



What's up Pizza's Cory Vincent here and we have a treat for you because this is the FIRST EVER EPISODE recorded in the new VGB Studios in beautiful Sacramento, California! The room is far from complete and there is much more to be done before we go 100% LIVE, but for what it's worth it was worth all the while! As you probably guessed we have a lot of news coming out of PAX this week! Cory and Aaron are joined by Lareesa, and filling in for Webb this week is VGB veteran Steven Gutierrez! Be sure to check out our full reveal of the new VGB studio next Saturday September 5th LIVE on Twitch at around 6pm Pacific time: And if you are in the Northern California area be sure to check out Videogame BANG! LIVE at SacAnime on September 5th at 1pm in Panel Room 1 for a live taping of the podcast!