Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




How your body receives grounding within the changing electromagnetic field of Earth As we have changed in consciousness, so too Gaia’s consciousness and therefore the Earth has changed.  The electromagnetic field of the Earth is constantly shifting and changing.  More so now.  This meditation is one way of helping our own electromagnetic field (our aura) listen and respond to the changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field and the consciousness of Gaia. Here is a meditation inviting your body to remember its innate connection to your soul. Deeply relaxing, this meditation includes segments of releasing energies within your body and your aura. By inviting those energies that match your soul from within the lower dimensions to reestablish their natural connection to you, a fluid and ongoing energetic dialogue is created between your soul, your body, and the Earth. This is a new style of grounding which serves us well as we move into a new era of consciousness. Our Western culture has cultivated such a dependen