Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.      -Robert Frost**from his poem “The Road Not Taken” Uniting the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine essences of your soul within your Body:  Ovaries, Testicles and Root Chakra. Our soul’s essence resides within our root or first chakra. Just as foundational energies of our reality present themselves as polarized (good/bad or dark/light), our own souls divided themselves into male and female in order to incarnate.  Here is a meditation to help you access both aspects of your own soul: Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Regardless of the gender of your physical body both essences are 2123qnow available and both actively support your body.  In this meditation the focus is upon your root or first chakra. This is the foundation of your body, and how you engage with this physical world. 1. Introduction2. Invocation of Nature’s Unconditional Love 3. Archangel Michael: Invoking the Sacred Masculine4. T