Videogame Bang! Podcast

A League of Their Own ep. 161



Cory, Aaron, Jessica and Webb are back as Webb continues his training in the driver's seat. The crew talks about the changes coming to Overwatch's Season 3 as well as the leaked possibility of a dedicated Overwatch eSports league. We also get the final results of the pointless, imaginary election of the videogame president of the United States. Lastly we say goodbye to the Turtle Rock Studios Evolve.   Topics include: Overwatch, eSports, Master Chief, Spartan Locke, Soldier 76, Winston, Mario, Luigi, Election 2016, videogames, gaming, NRG, SMITE, Evolve, Turtle Rock Studios, Blizzard, Activision, Maid of Might, Jessica, David Webb, Cory Vincent, Aaron Carter, Gears of War 4, Sacramento, Debate, election, president, Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, Halo