Videogame Bang! Podcast

Twist and Tuck ep. 202



This podcast is a little scattered and all over the place. We start off talking about tiki torches.. we move into some Whattcha playing, Brain Bang, and Webb is telling the news.. while Aaron also tells the news from two years ago... This might possibly the best episode of Videogame BANG! that has ever existed.. or it might be the worst.. find out what your bread habits say about your personality!   Topics Include: Podcast, video games, gaming, gamers, Assassins Creed, WWE, Ivy Doomkitty, David Webb, Cory Vincent, Aaron Carter, Overwatch, Blizz Con, Twitch Con, Stream, Live, Bread, Marvel, Spiderman,  No Man's Sky, D&D, Pokemon Go, H1Z1, esports, Just Survive, King of the Kill, Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, Blackish