Videogame Bang! Podcast

Kiss My Ashe BlizzCon 2018 ep. 439



What's Up Pizzaaaaaaaas?! Halloween is over, TwitchCon is over and now it's time to enjoy BlizzCon! The crew gets knee deep into the lore of World of Warcraft and the crew breaks down Overwatch World Cup and most excitingly the new characters Ashe and BOB. The team receives a visit from the podcast gods and decide to satisfy them to completion with a healthy round of Whattcha' Playin'?! We talk about Magic the Gathering, Red Dead Redemption 2, Call of Duty Black Ops 4, PubG, Fortnite and a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!   Topics Include: Sacramento, Gaming, Podcast, Esports, BlizzCon, 2018, Overwatch, Ashe, Bob, New Character, World of Warcraft, Azeroth, Diablo, Mobile, MOBA, NRG Esports, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar, Magic the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast, TwitchCon, Cosplay, Twitch, Live, Call of Duty Black Ops, Blackout, Multiplayer, Zombies, Pokemon Go, Nintendo Switch, Cory Vincent, David Webb, Marcus Hunter, Madison Motta, Halloween, Netflix, MCCree, Overwatch World Cup, Team Canada, xQc, Sinatraa, Smex, Team