Gameopolis Podcast

Show #4: Preview of Carnage 12



This show starts off with Mark opening up a dusty old box.  After that, we give you a preview of the upcoming Carnage gaming convention, to be held at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairly Vermont November 6-8.  Jeff describes the Carnage convention based on past experience, and then we both walk through the pre-registration book and describe what we see as a few highlights.  NOTE: The mp3 file for this episode somehow disappeared from our download site.  This posting is to make show 4.0 available once again! 00:00 Prelude2:22 Dusty Old Box13:00 Preview of Carnage 12...13:31 Carnage background...21:14 Highlights of the Carnage pre-reg booklet43:23 Closing comments Related links:Enemy in Sight on Boardgamegeek.comCarnage Gaming ConventionLake Morey ResortDown in Flames on BoardgamegeekShadows Over Camelot on BoardgamegeekBoardgamegeek's Double-blind A&A rules Stay tuned for Show #4, coming VERY soon! NOTE: To download, right-click on the "POD" icon above, and choose "Save Target As..." Select a download locat