Embraced Podcast

Ep19 - Trancending Sexual Trauma Through Yoga with Zabie Yamasaki



Today’s guest is my hero. I met Zabie when I was working at UCLA where she serves as the director of Trauma Informed Yoga programs in Campus Assault Resource and Education (CARE). Zabie has devoted her life to help empower survivors of sexual assault to regain their strength and self-worth. She is the Founder of Transcending Sexual Trauma Through Yoga, an organization with the mission of empowering survivors to heal through the practice of yoga. Her organization offers group and private trauma-informed yoga classes for survivors, trauma-informed yoga trainings, consultation for colleges and agencies interested in implementing yoga therapy programs, survivor yoga retreats, and mentoring for yoga instructors. Today we talk about: Her sexual trauma in college, and how it manifested in her body and in her relationship to her body; How her sexual trauma lead her to yoga; How yoga helped her heal from sexual trauma; Creating a program specifically for survivors of sexual trauma focusing on themes such as healthy bo