Embraced Podcast

Ep20 - Learning The Hard Way: How a Botched Breast Implant Extraction Became Antonella Zabaglio's Greatest Teacher



Antonella Zabaglio is a yoga instructor, performer, and mother of two. I came across a short documentary she did with CodyApp, where she tells her story about her journey from getting implants as a young mother, to getting them removed after years of feeling insecure and uncomfortable in her own body. I asked Antonella to tell her story on Embraced Podcast because it is so important for women to hear what can happen for some women when using plastic surgery as a way to seek external sources of validation to increase self-worth. On today's episode we talk about: Being a young mother in an unhealthy and unsupportive relationship; Feeling insecure about her body after having her first child; Being encouraged to get breast implants when she only wanted a breast lift, and not trusting her inner voice; How she immediately felt different after the surgery; Increased feelings of insecurity after getting implants; How she finally came to the realization that in order to feel authentically herself, she needed her impla