

Joe asks: "I study so much, I worry that I'm being inefficient." Episode Summary: It's important to make a distinction between "study" and "practice" What do you spend your time doing? There's a risk you are planted firmly in study mode, in which case wasting your time is a danger... There's only so much new information your brain can take in in one day, so in that sense, you certainly do get diminishing returns after a certain amount of "study" However, you can never spend too much time in the company of the language I would suggest you experiment with spending no more than one hour a day on focused study, and instead try to consume French with real activities: speaking with people, reading books, watching TV Create an immersion environment for yourself, based on the things you enjoy the most You won't get the same sense of daily progress, but you'll be priming yourself for a transformation in your French abilities! Resources Mentioned In Today's Episode: Follow my "Immersion Trip" to Mexico by subscribin