Brooklyn Deep Third Rail

Third Rail Eps. 53 Central Brooklyn Food: Unifier or Gentrifier?



  Food, one of the most potent cultural forces in American life, represents our ability to come together across tribal lines, especially during the holidays. At the same time, in Central Brooklyn and other gentrifying cities, where restaurants and groceries stores are not just markers of distinct tastes and cuisines, but of race and class privilege, food can also be an agent of redlining and division.   On this episode of Third Rail, holiday edition, we sit down with two figures, Karen Cherfils and Craig Samuel - two Central Brooklynite at the intersection of neighborhood and meal-makeing - to discuss the politics of community food.    Segment One: We celebrate the power of food and hear stories of community building through culinary magic. Segment Two: We take a critical look at the role that food plays - whether intentionally or unwittingly - as a marker of privilege.  Segment Three: "Tell 'Em Why You Mad" Intro and Outro theme Music: “City Survival” by MC K-Swift featuring TreZure Empire.