20 Under 20s | Interviews With The Business Minds Of Generation Z

Ep. 18 - Going from Idea to Startup (Twice) - with Stacey Ferreira



Do you have an awesome idea for business? An idea is a good start, but the challenge is executing on that idea and taking the first few steps. Today’s guest will help you take your first step. Stacey Ferreira is an incredible entrepreneur – who, at the age of 24, has already founded two successful companies (and sold one) – and co-author of 2 Billion Under 20: How Millennials Are Breaking Down Age Barriers and Changing the World.   Founding Two Businesses Before 25 In 2011, Stacey Co-Founded My Social Cloud, an SSO company whose investors include Sir Richard Branson, Jerry Murdock, and Alex Walsh. In 2013, My Social Cloud was acquired by Reputation.com, where she worked before going back to college. She is currently the CEO of Forge, an enterprise scheduling software that empowers employees to pick the hours that they work at retail and restaurant locations across the U.S.   Dropping Out of College to Run a Business Originally, Stacey was running My Social Cloud and going to college. After her Fresh