20 Under 20s | Interviews With The Business Minds Of Generation Z

Ep. 25 - The Tools for Designing Your Own Future - with Jeff Hoffman



Jeff Hoffman is a successful entrepreneur, proven CEO, worldwide motivational speaker, published author, Hollywood film producer, and even the producer of a Grammy-winning jazz album. He has been part of a number of well-known companies and billion-dollar startups, including Priceline.com. uBid.com, ColorJar, and more.   Jeff now spends most of his time mentoring entrepreneurs, and in this episode he shares valuable tools that the most ambitious and hard-working individuals in Gen Z (that’s you!) can use to design their own future through entrepreneurialism.   Driven by Desire   Jeff isn’t driven by some innate entrepreneurial trait – his entrepreneurialism stems from wanting something he doesn’t have, which no one will give to him.   So it isn’t about simply being born an entrepreneur, but instead having a goal that requires a lot of work hard to achieve.   For example, Jeff started his first company on the second day of college. He went to a school that he couldn’t afford (Yale), but he wanted tha