20 Under 20s | Interviews With The Business Minds Of Generation Z

10. Creating a Career That Gives Back & Gives You Joy - with Matt Coulter



Matt Coulter started his career in the real estate industry, and he did have some financial success, but he realized it just wasn’t what made him happy. So he pivoted towards the nonprofit space and devoted his energy to helping others through organizations like the BeYOUtiful Foundation and Shop 143. Matt has some great advice for finding what you’re passionate about and creating a life that fills you with joy, which is an opportunity that entrepreneurs have but often don’t take advantage of. Resources: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matt523/?hl=en (instagram.com/matt523) Twitter: https://twitter.com/matthewcoulter (twitter.com/matthewcoulter) Shop 143: https://shop143.org/ (shop143.org) BeYOUtiful: https://www.beyoutifulfoundation.com/ (beyoutifulfoundation.com) Trendsetters is a production of http://crate.media (Crate Media)