Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

61: Is Your Food Real or Fake? | Larry Olmsted



Larry Olmsted is an award-winning journalist and author who has written several thousand articles for major newspapers and magazines worldwide over the past 20-plus years. A George F. Baker Scholar at Georgetown University, he did his graduate work at Dartmouth College. He has been a print columnist for two of America’s three national newspapers, Investor’s Business Daily and USAToday, and has written for many other prominent papers including the Financial Times, New York Daily News, Boston Globe, Denver Post, South China Post, and others. He was named one of the “10 Most Extreme U.S. Journalists,” by the Society of Professional Journalists and Travel Writer of the Year, 2010-2011, by the State of Mississippi. Olmsted has spent the past four years researching the topics of Real and Fake Food, a journey that took him to Japan, Alaska, Chile, Argentina, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, and all across the United States and Canada.