Lessons From The Universe With Jennifer Hall

Podcast 135 - Free Won't



Spacious awareness is training the brain to have faith in Highest Good.  It is overriding the caveman brain that causes us to react, so we can truly witness and understand what is going on around us and how we actually feel about it.  It allows us to observe without being drawn in.  It’s not denial, blindness, or ignorance.  It is existing within a space that allows us to be present within any action, reaction, or experience so that we can respond with clarity.  The brain wants to jump and scream and fight, to lust, to take the easy way, or to retreat, but our brain is also a sweet child who wants to learn.  It wants limits and boundaries.  It wants information and answers to the what ifs.  It wants to learn, and it can be retrained.  In “Free Won’t”, we strive to understand, embrace, and cultivate this deep, healing freedom, so we can truly embrace this life.  After all, the true Freewill is CHOICE , and it is Spacious Awareness that gives us the space to choose.  © 2018 Universal Lessons LLC, lessonsfromt