Cottage Garden Party

Episode 44 - Fuchsias...In A New City



Theo Margelony loves fuschias. You might not know him yet, but if you love fuschia' would want to check out his social media pages. @fuchsiarius What is all this talk about the Garden Bloggers Fling? Click here to find out more! If you find passion in a favored flower, consider joining a plant society or even a garden club. Visit places that will feed this passion because we only go around this way one far as I know. If you love other Victorian plants, a book I reviewed and recommend is All About Flowers, by Thomas J. Mickey. Here is the review from my blog The poem shared is from The World Will Follow Joy by Alice Walker - the poem " This Human Journey". I love the writing of Alice feeds my soul. YES, you can still purchase tickets to The Great Grow Along by clicking here. I want to say THANK YOU for continuing to follow me: Https:// and Twitter: @cottageincourt...Facebook: CottageInTheCo